Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Here are some problems that come with being a photographer:

1. You get so over worked with taking pictures for clients that you forget to take pictures of your own family. The most you get are snapshots and you're lucky if you come out with something good. Oh, and you never have any recent pictures of yourself. The last usable picture of me was taken about 3 years ago.

2. You have little or no authority when trying to do a real 'session' with your own child. By now, they are so tired of you constantly saying "Look here! Look at the camera!" that it's really just a joke. Thus, you get lots of silly faces and attitude which can be both good and bad.

Emily just started pre-k, "big girl school", and ended up spending the Friday before school at work with me. We have a lake and walking trail in the complex, so we made it picture day for her. She really is a good sport and likes the camera, but was extra goofy. In the end, we ended up with some good shots and followed up with her being the photographer and me the subject. "Mommy, stand by that tree! Now stand by those flowers! Very good!". Thank you Fisher Price for kid-tough cameras! (It actually takes pretty decent pictures.)

I can't believe how grown she is.

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